Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bailout Trades

Okay, so my strategy for the last couple of weeks. Buy puts on everything. It's been awesome.

In the last couple of weeks I've made 5k+ each on goog puts, rut puts, aapl puts, rimm puts, citigroup puts, dia puts, gs puts, and . Boo yah. Do you like apples? How do you like them apples!

Since I'm not sure exactly how the bailout is going to shake out, I closed all my positions before the market closed today. You know how it is.

I'm hoping that the house of representatives keeps a tight hold of their cojones and votes this down tomorrow. Sheesh.

And you know, I realize that we're talking about some financial turmoil when that happens. We could be talking about A LOT of financial turmoil. I've been trying to think through possible scenarios, combined with reading a bunch of possible scenarios and I've come up with some freaky stuff.

I still don't think the government, funded by the taxpayer is the proper entity to deal with gummed up credit markets. That scenario chills me more than all the others.


At Thursday, October 02, 2008 4:44:00 PM, Blogger NOBODY said...

I love it when you talk dirty.


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